Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?

Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?


About Jimmy Monteith

Jimmy was born and raised in the South Side of Glasgow and now works fulltime as a freelance media consultant and content creator.

He likes:-

  • Tunnocks Tea Cakes
  • RED cameras
  • Minecraft
  • Macaroni Cheese
  • His spangly new Dell XPS Ultra book
  • Heineken (or most other forms of lager)

He dislikes:-

  • Apple (I know – how did that happen?)
  • Broccoli
  • Anything with a label
  • Cleaning my flat
  • Nagging
  • Pushy Eastern European Strippers

He can be regularly found wandering the streets of Glasgow in a vain attempt to do something digital. If you know where to look then you might run in to him.

Otherwise if you are looking for help with the daily drudgery of working an internet marketing campaign then he is available for hire. Also available for weddings, funerals and bar mitzvahs.

You can reach him at [email protected]