Jimmy Monteith

Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?

Jimmy Monteith

Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?

Bots on Twitter

Bots on Twitter

A bot in action

There is much talk of bots on Twitter but it is not always clear how they work and quite how dangerous they are. Some are merely follower accumulators that exploit people who follow back but others can be much more sinisteContinue Reading

Marco Polo on Netflix

Marco Polo on Netflix

The Box Set

So I sat down and did the usual binge on a box set at the weekend. It was great. There is something deeply satisfying about just banging through every episode and getting the whole experience with a nice conclusion. It certainContinue Reading

The Hobbit crushed my childhood.

The Hobbit crushed my childhood.

The Hobbit

So I finally sat down and watched the second and third Hobbit movies. Had seen the first one when it came out and while it appealed due to the Lord of the Rings effect I look back on it as a fairly ordinary movie.

GonnaContinue Reading

Bad Hackers

Bad Hackers


We have all seen it in so many Hollywood movies that it barely registers beyond cliche. I am of course talking about Bad Hackers.

You know the type, they batter furiously for a few seconds on the keyboard and then mysteriContinue Reading

The importance of backlinks

The importance of backlinks

What is a backlink?

In recent times I have become much more involved in direct internet marketing, the type that involves an actual website rather than just messing around on a social platform. It all keeps coming down to one thing,Continue Reading

Transactional and Aggregate

Transactional and Aggregate

Data and Security

I’m getting into data at the moment in a big way. Its like a thought hit me that data is your eyes on the internet. Sure you can read the text and look at the images but its the data that tells you what is going onContinue Reading

The importance of Quality Content

Quality Content There you go, with a nice big H2 tag and all. If I have not made my point with that opening salvo then you are already missing the point. The internet is built on content. If every blog you read sounded like your mother nagging you or YouTube was really just one endless…Continue Reading

First Post

Hello world Wouldn’t be a self-respecting blog without that first post now would it? The truth is that I really should have got something organised a long time before now. You see I work in the Social media business and it really should be a requirement of the job to have some form of website…Continue Reading